






welcome(1).gif (20630 bytes)

to Don May's Web Site

This web site is here to enlighten you in several ways. If you are interested, you can learn a little bit about me, my career, and a few products I market. If you dig a little deeper, you will learn a lot about yourself, life, and the cosmos. When you venture into the section on Spiritual Writings, don't get in a big hurry. If you find my writings at all intriguing, save a "local copy" of that part so you can digest these thoughts off-line.

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I am owner and chief engineer of May Engineering Company. May Engineering specializes in...

twinklestar.gif (3310 bytes)Invention      twinklestar.gif (3310 bytes)Design     twinklestar.gif (3310 bytes)Manufacturingtwinklestar.gif (3310 bytes)Computer Consulting

It is an honor to be listed in "Who's Who of American Inventors". Please visit the Products page for a look at a few of my recently patented items.

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Special Interests

globe4an.gif (37249 bytes)Success as an inventor demands the same creative mind that drives artists and writers. The inquisitive mind draws me deep into areas of interest such as these: 

Metaphysics, Crop Circles, UFO's, The Pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, Atlantis, The Five-sided Pyramid on Mars, Tesla's Inventions, The Tall Towers on the Moon.

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Spiritual Writings for the Golden Age

The Writings page is an index to all of the posted topics. The topics are listed below but are not linked. Some items are very brief. Others are more lengthy and may take a little time to digest. Hopefully many of these will stimulate your mind and perhaps lead you into new or deeper realms of thought. In any case, I hope you enjoy it.

World Peace, Who Are We, Sharing, Hug Somebody, What is Reincarnation?, Possessions, Be Happy, Don May's Wish, Stairway to the Stars, Be an Angel, Psychic Energy, Special People, Life is Good at Eighty, Are We Related?, Why Some of Us are Here, Non-Medical help for Depression, Mighty Words and the Power of Silence, Is There a Family of Gods?, Ascension, Help Others, Are You Confused?

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Thanks for visiting this site. I hope your adventure here is rewarding and inspiring.  

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